Previous articles: HERE and HERE and HERE
I’ve been poking around the 390K rows of the new free-text data tranche and my Spidey senses are kicking in now. I don’t want to blow hot air up your skirt and tell you a we have to wait a year for all records to come in to make a complete analysis. In fact I’ll use this very article to revisit in a year as my retrospective confirmations.
First of all by design, we are not going to get many mentions of death in the free-text field because the submitter will not be around to tell us he/she is dead and it will be more difficult for a family member to login to submitters account. Whatever acknowledgements of death we do get will be mostly from parents/caregivers and some spouses giving care to adolescents and dependents. That’s not to much different from VAERS however this ambiguity will kill any attempt if that family member decides to file a VAERS report after an initial VSAFE report. I presume the report in VAERS will be flagged for “duplicate” deletion, because that is the rule? If flagged during initial adjudication process, the report will never be published, the submitter won’t know it was not published because they didn’t have the hindsight nor foresight to formally request their final ID# when report is published. They will just think they filed a report to VAERS, but have never actually seen their report in VAERS with their own eyeballs. This is what happened to the victims who figured out their reports were never published. Many went to Bri Dressen saying some other victim was populated in their ID#. The reality was that Bri’s people were assuming their temporary ID# was their final ID# and using it to search for their report. If you do that you will get a person that was vaxxed years ago because the temp and final ID# has the same structure and format. It’s all numeric and increases by increments of one. Here is my uncle’s:
I’m going to repeat this a thousand times since I’ve already repeated it a hundred times. This part is one of the biggest scams in VAERS! VAERS will not automatically notify you of your final ID# when it becomes available weeks, months, or even two years later. You need to formally request the final ID# at using your temp ID# as your authentication key. Otherwise you are just another Simpleton who has filed a report, but never actually seen your final report in the systems. Lastly, with this well thought out but simple scam, VAERS knows which reports have eyeballs on them during their adjudication process and which DO NOT. I digress.
Look I don’t know why ICAN did not mention any of these DEATH entries but instead chose to highlight these in this announcement:
Here are a few examples of the sobering entries received and presumably ignored by CDC:
“My tinnitus is off the charts. It is EXTREMELY LOUD. Had I know [sic] the vaccination would make my tinnitus worse I would have NEVER gotten the vaccine. Put it this way, if I was suicidal I would be dead by now thats [sic] how bad it is.”
“I had miscarriage after 2nd dose of Pfizer covid vaccine. I felt fine until I had the vaccine and within 48 hrs pregnancy symptoms ceased. I have no history of fertility issues or complications and had 2 healthy uneventful pregnancies prior to this.”
“Today, I experienced heart palpitations accompanied by tachycardia, dizziness, and weakness. These symptoms lasted about 4 hours and my heart rate was between 135-145. I have never experienced any of these symptoms until today.”
“Loss of consciousness and seizure immediately following injection. Went to ER by ambulance.”
A full analysis of the data won’t be possible until we have all 7.8 million entries. In the meantime, we encourage those interested to download the data and review it yourselves.
Example: ~26 people “felt like death” and 5 others looks to have passed away, one for sure. :
There is a even bigger head scratcher I have with ICAN and that is, why have they not told the world about the 172,942 adolescents/dependents in VSAFE? To date they have only mentioned the ~14,000 kids under 3yrs of age. ICAN still has not included a “relationship” filter on their dashboard to make this data available.
Again. There is no filter for “Relationship to vaccinated”:
I still got more plans for my vaersaware VSAFE dashboard to get even more visuals. I hope ICAN’s IT team does the same.
One cross cut I want to show is the progression of each victim in VSAFE. How many victims got progressively worse and what did their summary entries say? As it stands VSAFE is still in effect, it’s still collecting data on new victims. However, I guess ICAN FOIA only covers up to the snap shot from around ~Sept 2022. We can only imagine how many total victims are in VSAFE now? VSAFE is still running interference on VAERS.
I don’t know what IT people ICAN is consulting with but I tell you what BigTree, fire three and higher me! God Bless
Support The Eagle!
When you do Herculean work it's challenging not to see the imperfect as an enemy of the good, but it is aggravating as all get out & delay getting to the actionable truths! <3
Think on, Albert, if they had you and others like you, all doing a sterling job and not interfering with data, publishing and analysing, no parent would vaccinate kids, or themselves, leaving Bigtree et al out of a job and that just wouldn't do, would it?